Wednesday, 1 November 2023

November Challenge

Welcome to the Eleventh Annual
Month of Holiday Cards Challenge!

Upload your creations using the link tool below.
There's no limit on how many cards or projects you create but they must be holiday themed and created during the month of November 2023. All projects submitted will be eligible for prizes throughout the entire month, so get them in early!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I always look forward to this challenge! It is such a fun to participate! Thank you Beccy, for giving us this challenge every November!
    This year I struggle with fibromyalgia, but I hope I will be able to make some projects.
    Hugs from Liv in Switzerland (Swissie)

  2. I am so excited to do this again this year. Unfortunately, since I am disabled now, I can make cards all day long, so I have a plan. I give a whole lot of my cards to my church to send out and then I give almost all the rest to my family to give out. So, my plan is to get up early each morning and make about 5 cards a day. Some might only take a few minutes and some longer, but I can't wait to get started. I absolutely love making cards and this is the best way to get all these done for others. Thank you Beccy for doing this every year.

  3. I'm SUPER EXCITED - THIS is the Most Wonderful Month of the Year!

    It's WONDERFUL to see the gallery filling fast, hope you get to celebrate a new record number of entries this year Beccy :)

  4. we go, lots of fun and inspiration, loving all the cards, hugs, Lori m

  5. Wow, so many cards and ideas and its only day 5...way to go looking at all of them.

  6. This is my first time ever playing this challenge!! Looks like it is going to FUN,😁😁

  7. Please delete number 234. It was posted by a mistake.

    1. No problem Liv, I'll delete it now.

  8. Beccy could you please delete 371 & 372...for some reason my picture is not coming through properly. Thank you.

  9. If you're looking for my card for the challenge, "Use Your Scraps" on my blog.... when you get there you must click on "home" and it will enter you on the site..I don't understand why it's doing that. I was fine before.

    1. I'm not sure why it's playing up Terrie, I tried to fix it on my end, but had no luck. I managed to find it without too much trouble though. Thanks for persisting!

  10. YIPPEE! #800 and still a week to go! What a fun Challenge this continues to be Beccy!!!

  11. 1000 Entries and going strong Beccy! I think a FEW crafters love you and your work sweet lady!

  12. Lucky me, it’s still Nov 30th at this challenge so I can still join, here it’s Dec 1st since half an hour.

  13. THANK YOU SO MUCH Beccy!
    It has been an AMAZING month!
    ... I finished my "E" and "Z" earlier today and was thrilled to have completed my A-to-Z
    I also found a couple of projects that I hadn't posted, so they are late entries to the gallery.
    Now comes the hard part, filling in the cards, addressing the envelopes and getting the cards posted :)
